The “TARGETED-UNTARGETED” screening approach devised by Food Contact Center, based on Dr. Vitulli’s extensive technical experience and extensive chemical knowledge, represents an important tool for detecting migrations of substances in materials in contact with food.

This approach offers the ability to identify both large and small volume migrations, based on instrumental responses.

The screening tests conducted by the laboratory involve a series of multiple analytical techinques, each designed to detect specific categories of substances. This is particularly important due to the different chemical nature of the substances involved. The main analytical techniques used include:

  • HS-GC MS (Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry): this technique is used to identify and quantify the volatile compounds present in materials in contact with food.
  • GC MS (Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectometry): This technique is able to detect and analyze both volatile and semi-volatile compounds, thus contributing to a comprehensive assessment of migrations.
  • LC Q TOF (Liquid Chromatography Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry): This technique is used to identify and quantify non-volatile and polar compounds, both in positive and negative modes.

The use of these different analytical techniques allows a complete coverage of the possible migrations of substances in materials in contact with food.

Furthermore, the approach relies on specific compound libraries developed internally by the laboratory in collaboration with SCIEX.

In conclusion, the Food Contact Center “TARGETED UNTARGETED” screening approach represents an advance and comprehensive method to identify and quantify restricted substances not intentionally added (NIAS) in food contact materials.

This approach reflects the laboratory’s commitment to ensuring the safety and compliance of products intended for food contact.