Food Contact Center has accredited and validated the analysis in foodsuch as heavy metals, bisphenols and ftalates, styrene and other specific molecules.

This approach permitted by various legislations, makes it possible to replicate the real conditions of FCM unlike the use of simulants, which often represent an excessively severe condition. For this reason, the choice of carrying out analysis in food is advantageous, despite the fact that these analysis are more complex than the classic tests on simulant due to the interference effect of the matrix. Thwy therefore require analytical methods developed ad hoc.

This type of analisis i salso used to test the conformity of machinery and appliances; the advantages of this type of approach are:

  • Execution of tests in real conditions of use
  • Less number of analysis, therefore a more economical approach
  • The sum effect by various components of the machine is considered in the case of analysis of machines and household appliances.