Our innovations are your success, through research we go beyond the standards.
Food Contact Center S.r.l. is capable of meeting all customer needs regarding testing, chemical and microbiological consulting, as well as national and international legislation concerning materials and objects in contact with food (MOCA). Additionally, analyses and consultations are carried out on materials that do not come into contact with food.
Special attention and technical support are dedicated to the continuously evolving and expanding theme of product sustainability.
"We guarantee product quality for a more sustainable future."
Analysis that comply with national and international standards are carried out in the laboratory.
However, what sets it apart is the constant research and innovation in the field of developing customized analysis, outside the standard parameters. This result is achived thanks to the distinctive approach adopted by the team of expert chemists and microbiologists.
These professionals focus thei efforts on researching new methodologies, designing tailor-made solutions to meet specific customer requests.
FCMs are Food Contact Materials intended for packaging, sorting, producing and consuming food.
Food Contact Center S.r.l. performs all the necessary analisys in order to declare the compliance of FCM with all the regulations and decrees in force in this sector; among the main ones, at National and European level, follows:
REGULATION (EC) No. 1935/2004 concerning food contact materials and objects that repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC.
REGULATION (EC) No. 2023/2006 concerning the good manufacturing practices of food contact materials and objects. (GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices).
REGULATION (EU) No 10/2011 concerning food contact material and plastic objects.
MD of March 21th 1973 hygienic regulation of packaging, containers, utensils, intended to come into contact with foodstuff or substances for personal use.
These are some of the decrees and regulations analyzed by the Food Contact Center experts team, who can support the customer with requests involving also complex cases at a national and international level.
Food Contact Center has also gained experience in testing materials, which do not come in contact with food.
One of the most important theme for the Food Contact Center team is to support the customer regarding the product sustainability and the impact that it could have on the environment, both from the point of view of the cycle production and use.
According to the latest European and International directives, the attention to the environment is one of the most important, and constantly evolving, issues, and this is the reason why Food Contact Center focuses particularly on guiding its customers towards a better world.
Food Contact Center S.r.l. in an analisys laboratory, which thanks to a team of more than 20 food contact experts, has become a national and international reference center in the field of safety and quality product, performing tests on food contact packaging and materials (FCM).
Accredia Accreditated Laboratory – UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.